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Turn of the one-legged ski
2. Bottom foot > Top foot (in-edge > out-edge) : Switch the edge on one board.
It’s a little difficult this time.
Because you must switch the board from usual bottom foot (in-edge) to unusual top foot (out-edge).
Begin with bottom foot traverse.
Do Watch care that:
The hips and the knees incline to the “top”.
The head and the upper body incline to the “bottom”.
(from you. right is top. left is bottom. The board will slip to the left below.)

And then, Compress and Twist the body to the direction you want to turn (right here).

- Compress the whole body and sink down.
- Shift the CG. Incline the head and the upper body to the bottom.
- Twist the upper body to the direction you want to turn i.e. inside the turn. In brief, face to the “bottom” and consequently you’ll get this attitude.
I wrote 1.2.3 but do all the same time, not in this order.
The hips and the knees incline to the “top”, and
The head and the upper body incline to the “bottom”, you know.
Act extremely like this to turn,
or you’ll fall down the edge biting the snow surface.
This is very important!
“Twist of the upper body” and “Compression and Extension”
Extend and make the board parallel to the snow surface, it’ll turn itself.
Though the edge is opposite to “top foot > bottom foot turn” above, but it’s same that:
reduce the load and friction between the board and the snow surface, and flatten the board cause to turn the board easily.
Switch the edge from inside to outside.
The bottom foot changes to the top foot.
4. The edge switch from inside to outside. The bottom foot changes to the top foot.
Remind when on the top foot (out-edge):
The hips and the knees incline to the “outside of the turn”.
The head and the upper body incline to the “inside of the turn”.
If you stand the upper body straight up, the out-edge (inside the turn) bites the snow surface and you’ll fall down to the inside of turn.
It’s a extraordinary attitude that the head incline to inside and the hips incline to outside, but this is the basic attitude of “inside-leg ski”.
Please master it!
I say again insistently.
If the upper body stand up, the out-edge bites the snow and fall you down to inside of the turn.
6. Turn has completed!
The point of inside-leg ski:
Hips and Knees “Outside”
Head and Upper Body “Inside”
Watch video.↓
Outside view camera
Inside view camera
Next practice~One-legged ski Turn3.
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