サイトアイコン ひげおじさんの「おうち実験」ラボ

Monoski~how to ride! You can Monoski if you read this textbook! (Contents page)

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“Monoski”  “one board”  “Snowboard lengthways?”

Jump to the Japanese page if you want. 日本語で見たい方はこちらをクリック。

What’s the “Monoski”?

monoski+MR2 - コピー

Isn’t it the Snowboard?
First, please watch this video. =^^=

A music will begin.

“From a sidewalk Cafe” by Frank Mills.  It’s me “Ojisan” playing the guitar.=^^=

It’s not my native language.
There would be sentences difficult to understand.
Because it’s “Japanglish”, I mean Japanese English. =^^=
Please “Guess” what I want to say with help of photos and videos, if any. (^^)


This page is rich in content and very long.
I’ve bored ski, then changed to snowboarding.  I’ve also bored snowboarding, then changed to monoski.
It took several years to be able to ride monoski.

I think you can’t read through, unless you are “monozuki (curious person in Japanese word) “, then please watch videos thereafter read pages you’re interested in.
This is a textbook for monoski, but I think there may be useful content for normal ski (2-legged ski) much.
It may be more about 2-legged ski than monoski.

You cannot monoski first, you must try it patiently.
I mean “take it easy!”
If you got bored or felt difficulty, please return your favorite sports such as ski or snowboarding.
If you want to try another winter sports, please try monoski again.
I hope monoski freaks will increase reading this page.

monoski=mono (one) + ski

mono:”1″ in Greek
e.g. mono-rail, mono-tone, mono-logue, and so on.


Terms.  In this page.  Not formal.

top:upper slope.  where you skied before.
bottom:lower slope.  where you will ski down from now on.

top foot:upper foot when you stand the slope sideways.
bottom foot:lower foot when you stand the slope sideways.

outer foot:foot outside turn
inner foot:foot inside turn

in-edge:inside edge of ski.  i.e. big toe-side.
out-edge:outside edge of ski.  i.e. little toe-side.

the edge works:raise the ski board.  the edge takes effect. get the ski near vertical to snow surface and the edge bites the snow.
the edge lies down:lay down the ski board.  flatten the ski board.  release the edge.  get the ski near horizontal to snow surface.

reduce the load:reduce your weight to the ground (snow surface) jumping or extending your body from compressed attitude.
The contact pressure of the board and snow surface cause to reduce friction force and then you can turn the board easily.
You can’t turn the board if the board and snow surface are stuck.
Or you can’t turn the board if the edge of the board bite snow tightly.

Contents, Practice Schedules

Both-legged ski (normal ski, 2-legged ski), Side-slip (on the slope)

Both-legged ski (normal ski, 2-legged ski)

One-legged ski (one board)

One-legged ski scene.

Practice schedule

One-legged ski. Side-slip (on the slope)

One-legged ski. Traverse.

Dynamics of Turn.

Turn of the one-legged ski

One-legged ski Turn1. Top foot > Bottom foot

One-legged ski Turn2. Bottom foot > Top foot

One-legged ski Turn3. Top foot > Top foot


Monoski. Sideslip on the slope.

Monoski. Traverse.

Monoski. Turn.

How to tumble!

How to get up!

Monoski. Scene

Monoski. Goods, Gear.

Monoski~Differences from normal ski, Attractiveness!

Monoski~Q&A, Others.

Monoski~how to carry the board. Gallery.

Editor’s postscript

Articles in grammer (a, an, the)

They are very difficult and troublesome to us Japanese.
Because we never have articles in Japanese.
I’m afraid that I’ve wrote too many “articles” in this page.
Especially “the’s”. (^^)
Please don’t mind of them. =^^=

Daily conversation and composition

Actually daily conversations and compositions are difficult for the ones who use foreign languages.

Logical sentences are easier.

English is not difficult?
Then please try to learn Japanese.
They are very different from each other.

European languages have common mother language.
You Indo-Europeans use languages which are from Proto-Indo-European language.

They resembles each other.
There are many common words.
You can often guess other languages or words in Europe.

Anyway, I hope you can understand my strange Japanglish. (^^)
Please guess. =^^=
And hope to have interest in Monoski!

It’s not all.
It’s only the introduction and entrance to Monoski.
But I stop it around here.

See ya!

Popular article

It’s written only in Japanese.
But you can see it by photos, illustrations and videos, I hope. =^^=
Why not see it, and try it!?
And imagination is very important!
Please imagine!

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