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Monoski~See top page and Contents here
Both-legged ski (normal ski, 2-legged ski)
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Side-slip (on the slope)
Raise the board. The edges works. (There are the angles between the boards and snow surface)
(from you. right is top. left is bottom. The skis will slip to the left.)
The edges bite snow surface. The skis can’t slip.
Flatten the boards. The edges lie down. (The boards and snow surface become near parallel.)
The edges don’t work. So the boards begin “side-slip” to the bottom (lower direction).
Raise the board. The edges works. (There are the angles between the boards and snow surface)
(from you. right is top. left is bottom. The boards will slip to the left.)
The hips and the knees incline to the top.
The head and the upper body incline to the bottom.
You stand unknowingly like this when you stand on the slope.
Flatten the boards. The edges lie down. (The boards and snow surface become near parallel.)
If you want to side-slip, you must flatten the boards.
You must take an opposite attitude with above.
Incline the hips and the knees to the “bottom”, the head and the upper body to the “top”.
The edges release the snow and begin to side-slip to the “bottom”.
Take the attitude above to stop the side-slip.
Watch video. ↓
Close-up of the boards.
You can understand the direction of the slope is opposite, can’t you=^^=
(from you. left is top. right is bottom. The boards will slip to the right.)
Flatten the boards. The edges lie down. (The boards and snow surface become near parallel.)
(from you. right is top. left is bottom. The boards will slip to the left. No problem you can’t hear my voice. I explain with letters.)
I’ve thought “Wiener coffee” like this. (^^)
We have the coffee named “Wiener coffee” here in Japan.
We say “Wiener” as “sausage” in Japan.
We use the word “Wiener” for “like Vienna”, but you say “viennese” in English, don’t you?
Next practice~One-legged ski scene.
Monoski~See top page and Contents here