Monoski~how to get up! You can Monoski if you read this textbook!


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How to get up

1. Turn the board.

“Why say such a thing?”

You may feel so, but you’ll get to know if you put Monoski on.
It’s difficult to get up even on the horizontal place, if you fell down with your head lower side of the slope (the bottom) i.e. your head is lower than your foot, it’s impossible to get up.

First, turn the board to the bottom : the lowest place.

I struggled a little in this video, because I took the video on the almost horizontal place. (^_^;)

Actually the more steep slope, the more easily you can get up because your head is placed higher position than shallow slope turning the board to the bottom.

I get up after drawing the board to my body, as you see.
It feels like I sit down on the board, putting my hip on it.

2. Tumble

“Tumbling” is easier.

You can move the board to the bottom with less power than to turn it.

The more steep slope, the more easily tumble, too.
I struggled because I took the video on the almost horizontal place. (^_^;)

Turn the board if it’s about 90 degrees to turn.
If head is placed on the bottom, and the board is placed on the top, “Tumble” is easier.

If you can’t move the board at all, then release it. =^^=
You had better practice to release bindings in advance.

You might not be able to move at all when fell down in the deep snow as the board stuck into the snow.
Release it!

See Monoski riding scene.

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